Pick your own (u-pick) blueberries farms, patches and orchards near Xenia, IL. Filter by sub-region or select one of u-pick fruits, vegetables, berries. You can load the map to see all places where to pick blueberries near Xenia, IL for a better overview and navigation.

There are 5 pick your own blueberries farms near Xenia, IL area!

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* We have no liability for the accuracy of the information provided. We strongly recommend that you to contact farm owners before taking a trip to the farm.

** If you have found an error or would like to recommend the pick you own farm, please contact us.

Just Berries Just Berries Stewardson, IL, 62463

Strawberries : open May-June (weather dependent) with Honeoye, Allstar, Jewel, Earliglow, Flavorfest and Galletta Berry varieties, $2 per pound for U-Pick and $3.5 per quart for pre-picked. Blueberries : Open June to July (weather dependent). Pre-picked until farm is fully developed for U-pick at $6 per quart. Blackberries : open July to August (weather dependent) $5 per quart pre-picked. Ask for U-pick but it may not be available. Only cash or check

At "Just Berries" you can pick:


