Pick your own (u-pick) pumpkins farms, patches and orchards near Geyserville, CA. Filter by sub-region or select one of u-pick fruits, vegetables, berries. You can load the map to see all places where to pick pumpkins near Geyserville, CA for a better overview and navigation.

There are 9 pick your own pumpkins farms near Geyserville, CA area!

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* We have no liability for the accuracy of the information provided. We strongly recommend that you to contact farm owners before taking a trip to the farm.

** If you have found an error or would like to recommend the pick you own farm, please contact us.

Tierra Vegetables Tierra Vegetables Santa Rosa, CA, 95403

For over 35 years, Tierra Vegetables has been a diversified family farm, growing Fresh Vegetables from Asparagus to Zuchinni, unusual varieties of vegetables and grains, including up to 30 varieties of heirloom dried beans. Their farm stand also offers corn meal, fresh and dried chiles and culinary gifts. CSA available; School Tours; Self-Guided Tours during Farm Stand hours. OPEN YEAR ROUND Rain or Shine.

At "Tierra Vegetables" you can pick:



Sonoma County Wildlife Rescue Sonoma County Wildlife Rescue Petaluma, CA, 94952

Sonoma County Wildlife Rescue helps sick, injured, and orphaned wildlife, as well as people having wildlife problems. We invite the public to join us on our Saturday Tours. Come meet our mountain lions and other educational ambassador animals and learn their stories. We are now building a Predator Prevention Educational Barnyard, where you can learn how to protect your chickens and livestock from wildlife predators. We also love volunteers!

At "Sonoma County Wildlife Rescue" you can pick:
