Liberty Natural Products, Inc began as a small business in 1982. Since that time it has continuously evolved to help meet the needs of our clientele and our ever-changing natural products industry.

Liberty Natural strives to continuously provide the highest quality, pure and natural essential oils and botanical ingredients. We work tirelessly with reputable suppliers and small farmers locally, and from around the world, to offer our products to our customers at affordable wholesale pricing. Through this pricing, we are proud to assist other small business entrepreneurs in growing their own businesses.

We offer varieties of Lavender to pick from our fields. Bundles are $3 or 2 for $5

All major credit cards are accepted as well as cash for You Pick only. If ordering through business throughout the rest of the year only all major credit cards are accepted.

Business Hours by phone or via email 8AM-4:30PM Monday-Thursday 8AM-4PM Friday

20949 South Harris Road, Oregon City, OR, 97045
(800) 289-8427
(503) 631-4488
It good idea to use Eco Bags at the farm
You can buy a cheap set at Amazon:
8 cotton reusable produce bags
June 24th-June 25th10:00 am - 5:00 pm

At Liberty Natural Products Inc. you can pick: