Pick your own (u-pick) apples farms, patches and orchards near Sulphur Springs, OH. Filter by sub-region or select one of u-pick fruits, vegetables, berries. You can load the map to see all places where to pick apples near Sulphur Springs, OH for a better overview and navigation.

There are 25 pick your own apples farms near Sulphur Springs, OH area!

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* We have no liability for the accuracy of the information provided. We strongly recommend that you to contact farm owners before taking a trip to the farm.

** If you have found an error or would like to recommend the pick you own farm, please contact us.

CherryHawk Farm CherryHawk Farm Marysville, OH, 43040

Old-fashioned U-pick apples in a quiet, natural setting. About a dozen different varieties ripen in sequence from August through November. We sell apples by pre-measured bags which we supply. Pricing changes with different times during the season and different varieties of apples. In general, a one peck bag is about $15. This holds about 10 pounds of apples. Smaller and larger quantities are available. Forms of payment: cash, check, credit card, PayPal.

At "CherryHawk Farm" you can pick:
