U Pick Blueberries. 7 varieties of blueberries to pick starting the middle of July through August depending on weather. Varieties include Partriot, Blueray, Bluecrop, Northblue, Bonus, Northland and Chippewa. We are open daily 8am - ? depending on weather. You should call ahead to reserve a slot as we are following Covid-19 guidelines set by the State of Maine. We offer U pick Blueberries along with other vegetables from our garden sold from our farmstand 

1034 E River Road, Skowhegan, ME, 04976
(207) 474-0444
Randy Parsons
It good idea to use Eco Bags at the farm
You can buy a cheap set at Amazon:
8 cotton reusable produce bags
daily8am - till depending on weather

At Pine Acres Farm you can pick:

7 varieties of blueberries to pick starting the middle of July through August depending on weather. Varieties include Partriot, Blueray, Bluecrop, Northblue, Bonus, Northland and Chippewa